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伦敦艺术学院在室内设计方向有三个专业设置,本科两个,研究生一个。分别为本科方向的:Interior Design和Interior & Sptial Design,以及研究生方向的:Interior Spatial Design。学校对这三个专业的设置也有其官方的介绍,让我们一起来看一下:

1.BA Interior Design

BA Interior Design at Chelsea College of Arts is a course with an emphasis on collaborative, provocative and innovative design for future environments.

The course works in partnership with organisations, practices and key individuals from the design industry. During the course you will be able to work on a range of live projects from small-scale furniture and product design, through to large-scale proposals for public and private interiors. Following validation the course is expecting to be professionally recognised by the Chartered Society of Designers.

2.BA Interior and Spatial Design

BA Interior and Spatial Design at Chelsea College of Arts allows students to develop skills in conceptualising and designing spatial situations.

With a focus on human scale and material experimentation, student projects include architectural interiors, installations, sensory environments and furniture design. The course prepares students for a variety of careers in the art and design industry.

从上面官方的文字被我高亮的部分可以看出本科两个专业方向设置的区别。Interior design方向的课程设置更偏向实际设计项目,无论是小尺度的家具设计,还是大尺度的公共空间设计或者私密空间设计。通俗的讲,这个专业和国内的室内设计专业更加贴近,学的是大家理解的传统意义上的室内设计。而Interior & Spatial design方向则会有所不同,这个专业设置上更多强调概念,艺术性,虽然也有建筑室内课程和相关的专业课程,但同时还包含装置艺术设计的内容。学校还在其描述中写到了“a variety of careers in the art and design industry”, 说明这个专业同时强调了艺术与设计。

综上所述呢,我给出的建议是:如果你真的是特别想去做设计,那么你就选择Interior Design这个专业,而如果你想兼顾艺术与设计,那么Interior and Spatial Design一定是适合你的选择。

3.MA Interior and Spatial Design

MA Interior and Spatial Design at Chelsea College of Arts explores conceptual spatial concerns and notions of how we inhabit space in an area of study that’s distinct from but still complementary to architecture.

The MA Interior and Spatial Design programme has developed a distinctive identity that reflects the fact that we are part of an ‘art school’ tradition rather than allied to an architectural school.

研究生方面,这里只有一个专业设置,就是Interior and Spatial Design。 学校在他们的课程介绍里有这么一句总结性的话语,“we are part of an ‘art school’ tradition rather than allied to an architectural school. ”可以看出,专业在设置上学校强调我们是个艺术学院而不是建筑学院。从这句话中我们可以看到什么呢?说明学校强调他们的空间专业是在做概念与艺术,而不是建筑设计。从学校官方在该专业所放出的学生作业来看也侧面验证了他们的想法,因为我们都知道学校在官网上所放出的东西一定都是具有代表性的。所以,如果是想学室内“设计”的同学,去了可能会“失望”的,因为大部分时间你可能都在做艺术而不是设计。如果你是这样的学生之一,建议你还是选择其他学校。而那些不想再拘泥于传统设计的同学,建议你们可以尝试申请该专业,可以为你打开新世界的大门。


BA Interior Design

BA Interior & Spatial Design

MA Interior & Spatial Design




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