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申请季接近尾声,小伙伴们纷纷拿到属于自己的 offers, 然而我们老师们并没有因此得到休息和放松,借着课少,我们开始了对全世界所有设计类院校的数据库梳理和更新(并且今年会完全开放给大家用),没错,在 github 上持续更新中(有没有很心动呢)


某天,在几杯咖啡的陪伴下,我仔细查了美国还算不错的17所院校共18个专业的专业名、学位、学制、费用、作品集要求等信息,尽可能客观地收集了有用信息,并且加入了一点点自己的解读和点评。 英国、欧洲、澳洲等所有学校的信息也加入了 to-do list 并且会在后续逐步更新。



CMU 的江湖地位自不必说,然而当我们查阅到 Master of Design 对于作品集的要求时,原文是这样的:

> – Whether your background is in design or not, you’re required to submit a web-based portfolio of work to be considered for graduate study at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Design. Include samples of recent work that represent the strengths of your professional, creative, or academic experience. This portfolio might be filled with design projects, writing samples, or summaries of other original projects you have undertaken. You may use photography, video, writing, or interactive presentations to demonstrate your work.
> – For long works – such as theses, book designs, and software applications – please select excerpts that best represent your strengths. For each piece, include a brief description (one paragraph) on content and context, to help us get to know you better and understand your creative and problem solving approaches. If you include a collaborative work, make sure to identify your contributions.
> – We will evaluate your portfolio from multiple viewpoints, including visual or verbal communication skills, critical and analytical thinking, craftsmanship, ease of navigation, and creativity.
> – For candidates from non-design backgrounds applying to the MA program, we recognize that your portfolio will be different than a design portfolio. We are looking for supplemental information to your application that highlights your creative potential and interest in design. For example, your work might include written observations, blogs or critiques of existing work or things encountered in the world; artwork such as painting, ceramics, photography or video; musical or dramatic performances; academic or professional writing samples; and volunteer or professional contributions to projects.
> – Your portfolio must be web-based, and you must provide a link to your portfolio in your application package. Be sure that your site functions correctly on multiple platforms. No PDFs or physical portfolios will be accepted.

我知道你也没有耐心看,所以我把原文引用做的很小很淡,大致意思就是这里有很多字。从这里提取要点对话,就三个字:发链接。对于这样的要求,我们基本上只需要把作品集创建一个 Dropbox 的链接就可以了。详情可以参考这篇文章:《当院校要求提交URL作品集链接的时候,我们如何应对?

CMU 的要求代表的是美国各个综合类院校对于作品集的要求,可以看出也许是由于严谨的办事流程和机构分工,综合类院校普遍对作品集的要求更多放在表面上,即所谓硬性要求:诸如多少项目、多少页、PDF还是JPEG等,对于内容上基本上不做干预。




> Submit work that demonstrates your design and innovation abilities. Include examples of projects that show your process and how you develop your ideas into the project results. Sketchbooks and documentation of early idea development are welcome additions that complement more finished portfolios. We look for abilities to:
> Think and operate in terms of projects.
> Take a systems approach to design solutions.
> – write and communicate effectively.
> – envision and produce broadly desirable 3D objects and spaces.
> – produce a high level of aesthetic sensibility in production; e.g., style, proportion, shape, material, color, etc.
> – draw and/or otherwise visualize new ideas.
> – identify important opportunities and needs.
> – research, investigate and analyze design topics.
> – experiment, think laterally and engage in creative idea generation activities.
> – develop desirable solutions for real needs and problems that create value for the human condition.
> – consider and plan for related business dynamics.
> – exploit and employ appropriate technologies.
> – profess expertise and depth in specific areas or disciplines.


一看ACCD的要求,就知道是专业的设计界 Prof 写的要求,从方法论到执行写的非常透彻。从早期的 envision/explore 等字眼,到中后期的 develop/employ 这样的字眼,都是在强调 “system approach” 这个核心,即:设计是有系统有方法的,而非拍脑袋做造型。美系艺术类院校对于美学的追求,我们应该以“锦上添花”的思路来对待,先搭建方法论,再谈这个基础上的美丑。同时,ACCD 还在master 阶段的申请要求中,提到了 sketchbook 这个东西,要知道这是大部分本科申请才会特别看重的东西。


而ACCD 的硬性要求:无。






我们马克笔设计留学正在总结全宇宙英语国家的所有设计类专业的信息、学位、学费、语言要求、材料要求、作品集要求等内容,并以此形成一套Wiki,ridiculously, 我们打算把这个项目完全公开给所有的学生和家长,甚至免不了同行们(根据CC共享协议他们算盗用)。预计1个月左右 beta 版本上线,2个月左右 1.0 版本上线,各位可要来捧场哦。



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