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  • 第一批申请截止时间:10月28日
  • 面试安排:11月30日-12月4日
  • 申请结果公布:12月16日
  • 接受offer截止时间:1月6日



今年RCA各个专业的作品集要求都会有所不同,不仅仅是在作品集的内容,在提交格式、版面尺寸、页数等各个方面都有所区别,相较于2019年申请季发生了翻天覆地的变化,由于专业太多,在这篇文章中我们将主要以”Interior Design室内设计“和”Information Experience Design信息体验设计“两个专业为例。

Information Experience Design信息体验设计

  • You are asked to provide a personal statement of a maximum of 500 words. This is an important part of your submission which reflects your interest in the programme as well as your aims and ambitions for your practice. In this statement we look for some evidence of personal interests, a degree of criticality, and specific understanding of IED as presented on the RCA website.
  • Please indicate the pathway you are applying for: Experimental Design, Moving Image Design, or Sound Design. It is possible to change pathway during your study if your direction and work changes accordingly.
  • You may upload up to 20 individual projects or items to your portfolio. These may be single images, a design consisting of more than one image (such as publication), a presentation, a moving image or sound clip. You may add a gallery of six further images to support each of these projects. We value articulation as much as presentation. You therefore need to provide a description of a maximum of 100 words for each project image and a caption of up to 50 words for each of the gallery images.
  • Moving image or sound work must be limited to a maximum of five minutes (full length work will be viewed if you are invited for an interview).
  • You may include links to websites, such as your personal site, or send or link to a PDF file. If there is work included that you have professionally designed for clients, you must explain your role in the design and implementation processes.
  • Images should be in an acceptable format (see formats below) to the following recommended dimensions: width: minimum 36cm (1024 pixels) – or larger height: minimum 27cm (768 pixels – or larger resolution must be 72 dpi (dots per inch) – re-size all images appropriately maximum file size: 2mb for each image and 80mb for a movie file (please note movies are best viewed via a link to Vimeo or YouTube) file formats: JPEG, PNG, MOV, MP4, M4v, website URL (please note PDF files are not suitable) For each piece of work you must indicate: Title Medium Date made Size (cm) length (mins).



Interior Design室内设计

  • You should submit a digital portfolio via our online applications area of between four to ten completed projects. Each project should include a title image and up to 6 supporting gallery images. You should provide a description of maximum of 100 words for each title image and a caption of up to 50 words for each supporting gallery image.
  • We recommend images between 1024 x 768 pixels or greater in size. All image files must be saved as JPG or PNG format with a maximum file size of 2MB. Video files can be submitted in place of images. MOV, MP4 or M4V formats are accepted with a maximum file size of 80MB. Other video formats can be referenced through a link to a video hosting site such as Vimeo.
  • When submitting collaborative work, specify this and clearly indicate your role and responsibility.
  • No actual objects, sketchbooks, physical portfolios or other media should be submitted at the point of application. Submission of any material not listed above will not be accepted. If you have any questions on the portfolio please contact us at


3.是否需要提供Journey Video?

目前RCA的申请系统还处于崩溃不可用的状态,对于作品集和申请流程更准确的要求需要进入申请系统中详细查看。很多同学都在关心去年最新提出的journey video今年是否依然需要?建议大家可以先观望,如果在9月30日还没有准确消息,建议大家可以利用国庆假期时间进行准备。在此我们可以看看去年马克笔设计留学解读的有关journey video的制作要求吧(以Service Design服务设计为例)《千呼万唤,2020年皇家艺术学院RCA最新申请要求解读》。


In your video, please explain your motivation to be a service designer and provide an example of your favourite service expe-rience. Please then describe an aspect of service design you are most passionate about. Finally, briefly describe your favourite project in your portfolio and describe why you chose it.

This will be a chance to showcase your understanding of service design, your passion to study at a Masters level and your ability to communicate the value and impact of your work.

General Information

1.Your video does not need to be professionally shot and you may use the best resource available to you; we are not assessing the technical quality of this video
2. You must be visible in the video and communicate verbally*.
3. Your video can be in any of these formats: avi, mp4, mov, wmv.
4. Your video must be a maximum of 2 minutes long.


  • 要点1. 动机
  • 要点2. 个人体会到点服务体验
  • 要点3. 感兴趣的服务设计方面


  • 对应要点1. 贴合动机信,一定要 personal, 切忌 general. 即换了别人的名字就不能再 make sense。
  • 对应要点2. 没有好的办法,得靠积累,建议考虑向同理心或一个低预期+高现实的奇妙情绪转折来说
  • 对应要点3. 项目负责人有个视频,在视频里提到过如 curiocity 或者 courage 这些词, 总之说的实话可以大胆些
  • 对应要点4. 作品集里最服务那个吧,尽量要点在 蓝图后台或者系统图(商业画布),总之要体现设计的功力在系统构建而非触点。


  • 简单粗暴正面回答问题
  • 不要fancy,而要逻辑
  • 一定要personal,和你的过去与未来相关(想一想CV和动机信)
  • 自己出镜、自己说话
  • mp4, 最长2分钟


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