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RCA大部分专业的提交系统都有5个提交的空间(slot),每个空间可以包含6个文件,同时每个空间可以提供一个标题和具体的作品项目描述。提交的文件如果没有特殊要求建议直接交PDF文件,提交完成后记得选择“This item is now fully evidenced”这一选项。

General information

  • Provide a title and relevant details for each area used. Depending on the work, outline the dimensions (artefact), length (digital audio/video) or word count (written) to describe your work.
  • You have 5 areas available to upload content, each area can hold multiple files and various file types.
  • In the text space provided:

a. Provide a short description of the work.

b. Always state whether this is an individual or collaborative piece/project; if collaborative you need to explain your contribution.

  • Mark as ‘Fully Evidenced’ when you have finished editing each space.


RCA不同的专业对于作品集内容有不同的要求,因此在这里我会用Service Design服务设计、Information Experience Design信息体验设计和Design Products产品设计这三个专业举例,详细分析一下该如何去准备不同专业的作品集要求。

2.1-Service Design服务设计

For the Service Design Masters we are looking for portfolios that show clear evidence of:

  • Project topics that are challenging and aim to transform.
  • Evidence of insight from user research, a sense of curiosity and willingness to uncover new insights.
  • Empathy and understanding of people.
  • Creative ideas that go beyond the expected and are built on user insight.
  • The ability to craft new solutions that are desirable and impactful.
  • An understanding of implementation and how concepts can be delivered in a sustainable and viable way.
  • That show your ability to shape and form services and experiences from a variety of physical, system or technological touchpoints to be beautiful and desirable to the user.



2.2-Information Experience Design信息体验设计
Please submit documentation of up to 5 different creative projects you have made. The documentation can be in the form of images, video or audio. Please upload no more than 4 items per slot. We want to learn about the processes and research you undertook in the creation of your project, so in addition to your final outcome you can use the slots to demonstrate the stages of development.


2.3-Design Products产品设计

Design Products develops students to be creative, innovative design thinkers supporting them on the journey to develop their own design identities. Design Products embraces a pluralistic approach to design through a number of design cultures through which students develop their design identify and own design culture. These cultures represent current discourses within the discipline and can be, for example through Making or understanding Design for Manufacture, Object Mediated Interactions, understanding Design as a Catalyst, Exploring Emergent Scenarios through design or, addressing and shaping future discourses.

Design Products enables students to conceptualise and validate ideas by canvassing, provoking, challenging, and questioning people, places, technology, things and systems. Design Products is educating students to be design-thinkers who can address real world challenges through balancing high levels of creativity and technical capability with contextual insight and empathy for people and, understanding and shaping future discourse. Through team and individual projects tutored by practising designers and design researchers and engaging with external partners, students develop their own design culture whilst building a portfolio of work that will locate them in their desired professional context.

For the portfolio, there are 5 slots, each can hold multiple files – the overall limit for the portfolio is 20 pages, you do not need to fill all 5 slots. Please show different aspects of your work and capability, whether from your professional, education or personal practice and with at least one individual project. Remember to consider how your uploaded work will appear to the viewer. We would be looking for the criteria below, please make it clear what we are looking at by labelling the work accurately.


  • Evidence the ability to envision projects; realisation, making, coding, physical or digital. Evidence of good communication skills, to represent concepts and insights.
  • Evidence of intellectual content and conceptualisation. Demonstrate High levels of creativity.
  • Evidence of innovative and critical thinking, this can be through system, artefact, insight or product.
  • Demonstrate high quality work in documentation of applicant’s process and reflection on what was learned or could be better.




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