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《访谈录》是马克笔联合MFA Study推出的针对艺术类院校在校学生的访谈,希望通过访谈让大家更直观的去了解相关专业的信息,帮助需要申请的同学更好的去择校和获取学校专业信息。

个人信息:13年9月入读帕森斯艺术设计学院Strategic Design and Management研究生

My major at Parsons is Strategic Design and Management. I wanted to pursue a degree in design, but also wanted to utilize my business background. Parsons created a new major that is pretty much an MBA program with design elements.(我就读的是帕森斯的战略设计与管理。因为我自己本科学习的专业是有关商业的,但我自己也比较想都设计专业,所以最后选择了这个带有MBA元素的专业。)

The resources at Parsons are amazing and I don’t take full advantage of them.All of my professors invite established designers,city officials,and other professionals to share their experiences,to critique our projects,or to even collaborate with us on our work.(帕森斯的资源真的很多,多的我都使用不过来了。在我们学习的过程中,教授会邀请各界人士过来对我们的设计作品进行点评,这真的让我受益匪浅。)

Everything about the application process,registration process and course selection is quite simple and straightforward.If you have trouble with the process itself then Parsons is probably not the right school for you!(honestly)The school campus is located in the Union Square area and it is quite safe.The environment is very inspirational and living in New York as a designer is amazing.(帕森斯的学校注册和选课系统都是比较简单的,校园位于联合广场区域,环境非常安全,作为一个设计师生活在纽约真的是很幸福的一件事。)

Parsons tuition, without scholarship, costs a little more than $20,000 for Strategic Design. As for living costs, be prepared to spend a lot of money. It is New York City. However, you can always make it work, if you don’t have that much money at your disposal, by living in Brooklyn and cooking at home. For certain majors, such as Product Design, you may have to spend a lot of money on materials.(如果你没有奖学金,那么专业的学费大约在20000美元。生活费方面,由于你生活在纽约,所以需要开销会比较大,但是如果你并不是很富裕,那么可以选择住在布鲁克林,自己在家做饭。作为设计专业,比如产品设计,你需要在专业材料上花费不少费用。)

Yes,but I am not a part of it.(有的,但是很可惜,我没有参加,所以不太了解。)

I am not sure,but I would say around 25.It is a small,but very diverse group.I have classmates that work at Google and Nike;I have a classmate who was involved in the syndication of Taobao.I am always learning something new from them.(这个我并不是太清楚,大概25个人吧,人虽然不多,但是还算各具特色。有在耐克和谷歌工作的,也有在淘宝工作的。我总是能从每个同学那儿学习到很多东西。)

Of course!Our entire school is based on art and design.(当然了,设计和艺术课时学校的建校基础。)

It totally depends on the professor. For my first semester, I had one super inspiring professor that I loved working with. She was straight to the point and knew what she was talking about. On the other hand, another one of my professors was completely terrible. I could have taught/spoken better. However, I did learn a lot from that class- not from the professor, but from myself.(这个完全取决于教授。第一学期,我遇到了一个非常好的教授,我非常享受这一段学习。她对我可谓是倾囊相授。另一方面,我的另一个教授可以说是非常可怕。)

I’m still in school, but I know that we have some of the best resources in the world.(我还没有毕业,但是帕森斯有世界上最丰富的工作资源。)

I didn’t think too much when I applied. I just did my best to show the school who I am and what I believe in. My advice to china students who want to apply is to not be afraid of who you are. Forget about what you learned in China, because the education system in China is the complete opposite of Parsons. Think for yourself and create your own vision.(申请时不需要考虑太多,尽力做好自己。虽然中国的教育体系和帕森斯完全是不同的,但你只需要有自己的想法,形成自己的看法,那么申请就不是什么问题了。)


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